01234567890 01234567890 +
Years history (Since 1998)
01234567890 01234567890 , 01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 , 01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 +
RMB registered capital
01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 +
Countries and areas exported
01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 +
Invention patents, PCT International patents, appearance design patents, utility model patents
01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 , 01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 +
Roadway luminaires mounted
01234567890 01234567890 , 01234567890 01234567890 01234567890 +
LED street light production capacity per month per shift
Please feel free to get in touch with us for any of your queries.
Building #3, No. 401 Zhenda Road, Daqi Street,Beilun District, Ningbo city, Zhejiang Prov., Chinaa
+86 13815191968
+86 13815191968